A Laughing Good Time – The Comedy Barn in Pigeon forge


The Comedy Barn in Pigeon Forge is known for being an award-winning family comedy show. Families from all over the United States come to Pigeon Forge for vacation, and one thing that most families like to do together is laugh. Well, at the Comedy Barn in Pigeon Forge you’re sure to get a good laugh in.

The Comedy Barn show is held in a multi-million dollar theatre on the parkway in Pigeon Forge. They boast nightly standing ovations, and and clean family comedy. It’s a great family environment that the kids will love. Part of what makes it so great is that the Comedy Barn Pigeon Forge show was created to make you laugh. The tell-tale sign that you’re at the Comedy Barn in Pigeon Forge is their employee that frequently stands outside in the parking lot and waves you down. In his overalls and yellow stick, he’s pretty easy to notice.

The show features music with gospel and patriotic themes, and comic displays of pizazz. Jugglers, magicians, fire-eaters, ventriloquists and barn yard animals delight the crowd with amusing antics. Oh, let’s not forget the hilarious comedians. They’re sure to pull a good laugh out of you.

The show has actually been a part of a Youtube hit! That’s right, someone came to the comedy barn and taped her family member who was called up on stage. It was so popular on Youtube that it reached over 20million views according to the Comedy Barn’s website. Watching the tape is such a treat. This Comedy Barn visitor probably didn’t realize just how famous he would be for his Pigeon Forge visit. And to think, all he had to do is laugh. So, we couldn’t tell you all about the video without sharing it with you. We did a little digging, and found it. We hope you enjoy it!

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