4 Things to Do Before You Leave for Pigeon Forge


You’ve spent months planning your perfect Pigeon Forge vacation and now your escape is right around the corner. In the midst of travel preparations, packing and planning, it can be easy to get caught up and forget about fully preparing before you depart on your trip. While you may have all of your travel plans figured out once you get there, some people forget about the preparations you need to make before you leave on vacation!

Yes, depending on the length of your vacation to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, there are many things to account for before you depart on your trip. Mailing the bills, picking up prescriptions and delaying your mail are all necessities that you must take care of before you arrive in the Great Smoky Mountains. What else is there? Check out our list of four  things you can’t forget to do before you leave on your Pigeon Forge vacation!

#1 – Prepare your purse.

Before you head out on vacation, it’s important to rid your purse or wallet of all unnecessary credit cards, cash and other items. You will avoid the risk of them getting stolen or lost and also free up some extra room! No one wants to lug a heavy purse around while you’re shopping in Pigeon Forge, and removing extra change, hairbrushes and snack wrappers will make all of your important items easy to find.

#2 – Take care of things at home.

Pay your bills ahead of time, pick up all prescriptions and arrange to have your mail delayed or have a neighbor check it for you. If you aren’t bringing your pet to one of our pet-friendly cabins, ensure you have a friend or family member to feed and water your animal or even consider boarding your pet while you’re gone. Unplug all unnecessary appliances, such as toasters, televisions, clocks and hair dryers – even when they aren’t in use they still take electricity!

#3 – Safeguard yourself.

Lock all of your doors, windows and porches. Purchase and set automatic timers on lamps and lights in your house to make it appear to outsiders that someone is home. If you live a busy working lifestyle, you may also want to consider drafting an automated voice mail or e-mail response that lets people know that you are on vacation!

#4 – Turn up your air conditioning.

While it’s not wise to completely cut off your air or heat while on vacation, it is smart to set your thermostat to avoid unnecessary heating or cooling while you’re away. Your house can safely reach 85 degrees during the summer months, and as low as 50 during the winter. Any warmer or cooler may cause floors to warp or pipes to burst.

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